Our Events

We provide opportunities for learning and development amongst students through public competitions and events. Learn more about our past events and receive updates about upcoming events including public pitches, information sessions, and competition opportunities.

Thank you to the industry partners who helped support our past events.

Upcoming Events

The conclusion of the 2023-2024 school year marks the end of our event cycle for the year. We are proud and thankful of the work and dedication put into these events from our team members, participants, and partners. As the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year nears, more information about Fall 2024 events will be shared on this page, as well as through our social media.

Previous Events

Stock Pitch Competition

The Stock Pitch Competition took place during Winter 2024, with the support of Point72 Asset Management. Undergraduate students from across Canada created Long or Short pitches. Following judging by Point72, selected finalists were provided with the opportunity to travel to their New York office to present in-person.

M&A Pitch Competition

The M&A Pitch Competition took place during Spring 2024, with the support of leading independent investment bank, Greenhill. The pitch competition was open to undergraduate students from across Canada, and was held in collaboration with LIFA at Wilfred Laurier University.

March Hiring Public Pitch

As part of our annual March Hiring process, a information session was hosted introducing our work. At the core of our club is the continued involvement of alumni who mentor Trillium members and support the progression of the club. The stock pitch was presented by Sean Li, Trillium ‘20 Co-President, who created the pitch alongside current members as a collaborative project.

Shareholder Activism Defense Panel 2023

In collaboration with leading advisory focused investment bank, PJT Partners, Trillium hosted a panel on shareholder activism defense. The panel featured analysts from PJT Camberview, the firm’s shareholder advisory practice, including alumnus Jacqui Ye, Trillium ‘22 Co-President.

March Hiring Public Pitch

As part of our annual March Hiring process, a information session was hosted introducing our work. To provide a preview of the unique approach that Trillium takes in creating and presenting pitches, incoming co-president Julian Brady, Trillium ‘24 presented a stock pitch to share his view on NYSE: TOST.

M&A Pitch Competition

The M&A Pitch Competition took place during Fall 2022, with the support of leading independent investment bank, Greenhill. The pitch competition was open to undergraduate students from across Canada, and was held in collaboration with LIFA at Wilfred Laurier University.

Women in Finance Workshop

As part of our March Hiring process, Trillium hosted a workshop to help support female-identifying individuals interested in finance. It helped walk attendees through the hiring processes, club landscapes, and a deep-dive into how to best prepare for interviews. Members of the panel included Emma Boushey, Trillium ‘23 Co-President and Helen Xu, Trillium ‘24 Co-President.

March Hiring Public Pitch

As part of our annual March Hiring process, a information session was hosted introducing our work. To provide a preview of the type of work that Trillium does, incoming co-president Julien Lin, Trillium ‘23 presented a stock pitch to share his view on NYSE: SPOT.

Hedge Fund Panel

To help share the rewarding career that exists within public markets, a panel was hosted featuring Trillium members and alumni who are working at hedge funds out of their undergrad. Panelists who have secured positions at leading firms including Point72, Jane Street, and Jennison Associates discussed recent events, fund strategies, and career advice.